
Posts Tagged ‘judgement’

This is the second installment in my little series I Have a Voice.  I must warn you that this post reflects some of my absolute frustration and yes anger with those who say they are representing Christ (Christians).


I look around me during these times we are going through and I am reminded of a Bruce Coburn song…

“What’s been done in the name of Jesus?
What’s been done in the name of Buddha?
What’s been done in the name of Islam?
What’s been done in the name of man?
What’s been done in the name of liberation?
And in the name of civilization?
And in the name of race?
And in the name of peace?
Loves to see
Justice done
On somebody else

…Everybody’s seen the things they’ve seen
We all have to live with what we’ve been
When they say charity begins at home
They’re not just talking about a toilet and a telephone…”


I have tried my darndest to reconcile how seemingly good people can in the name of God say that a man who cheats, lies, rapes, commits adultery and enflames hatred is good.  But that is just where it begins for me.

Recently I lost my mother.  The only request we made of those from her church coming to my home for her memorial was that they wear masks to keep our families safe.  Especially my husband and Granddaughter who are very susceptible to this pandemic.  Only the minister’s wife had the courtesy and honor to do so.  The others protested it was a violation of their freedom and spouted conspiracy theories.  My Mom always taught me that being a Christian meant putting others needs and concerns above your own.  They all extolled how my Mom always looked out for others and they hoped they could come close to living the kind of life she did.  Yet even in the smallest regard they could not put their own mild discomfort aside and practice that very simple act of wearing a mask for 2 hours.  How, I ask, is that showing the love and concern of Christ?  How is that even behaving Christ like?

I have listened and read so much garbage about how this is all conspiracy and lies, but someone should have let that virus know that before it killed my mother and so many, many others.

I say, charity is putting aside your pride, discomfort, and selfishness.  Walk in the shoes of another and make an effort to hear them with your whole heart.  Put your faith to work, whether that be Muslim, Christianity, Islam and listen without judgement.  Have charity!  There is no religion that I have learned of that espouses hatred, bigotry, selfishness, or patriotism.

I have heard people talk about their rights… Rights to live in a neighborhood that has no immigrants, Jews, Muslims, blacks.  They have even used scriptures and God (by all his names) to justify their statements and behavior.  Well I say SHAME ON YOU!!!!

God, Allah, Jehovah (whatever name you use) made all of us in his image.  We are all equal in God’s sight.  We are all human beings, bleed red and have 2 legs and 2 arms.  Although I’m starting to wonder if we all have hearts.  Obviously, compassion is not given to all, or empathy.  I am so disheartened when I see what is happening in my own country right now with Black Lives Matter and I think – is this as far as we have come.  I am angered when I hear people use patriotism as a justification for their bigotrous behaviour.  When I hear them use their religion to say it’s okay to do this thing – this injustice.  This genocide, ethnic cleansing, gerrymandering, segregation and so on.  Worse yet they then wax eloquent on how patriotic they are and they’re doing this for the good of the country!  Again, I say SHAME ON YOU!!!

I recently heard a speech given on a tv show that portraited the 1960’s.  The woman speaking said, “There is oppression, there is prejudice, and there is suffering.  When one person suffers, we all do.  If one person falls, we all fall.  I truly believe there is a better time for all of us, a time when we shall all be in the sun.  To get there we must all stand together, side by side, walk together and leave no one behind.”  I could not have said it better and I have a voice!

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